Disciples making disciples. Compelled by the love and truth of Christ we are learners and followers of Christ appealing to others to be learners and followers of Christ with us.
1. The primary mission of the Church is to make disciples, and that being and making disciples occurs only in relationship with the Church–the interdependent members of Christ’s spiritual body, of which He is the Head.
2. Making disciples is not a product of human persuasion, religious enculturation or behavior modification, but is the work of the Holy Spirit through hearing, believing, and obeying Christ as He is revealed in the Scriptures.
3. God has ordained “means of grace” through which, as expressions of faith in Christ, the Holy Spirit nourishes and grows disciples spiritually. These “means” are the Scriptures, prayer, obedience to Christ, confession of sin, the ordinances of baptism and the Lord’s Supper, the fellowship and “one another” ministry of the Church, worship, service, and practices of the “spiritual disciplines” such as fasting, solitude, and sabbath rest.
4. Biblically, a high priority in the mission of making disciples is our children! This calls for living out the gospel before them, diligently instructing them in the Scriptures, and praying for the Holy Spirit to birth spiritual life in them.
5. Christ calls us to make disciples by committed participation both in local outreach and global mission. Christ designates His disciples as His ambassadors to the world. The essential pattern Christ has given the church for outreach is testifying to the gospel of Christ, serving people and meeting their needs in the name and love of Christ, manifesting the banquet of Christ’s blessings and inviting people to the feast, and in all things praying for the Father to draw people to Christ in saving faith. Committed engagement in global mission by the local church begins with diligent awareness, devoted prayer, and open-handed financial giving.